RE 101: Religion & Philosophy Resources is shop for teachers of Philosophy & Ethics, Religious Studies & Politics.
It sells Schemes of Work, Knowledge Organisers, PowerPoint Lessons, Personalised Learning Checklists (PLCs), Key Word Glossaries, Electronic Reading Lists and many other revision resources.
Exam Boards covered include: OCR, AQA, Edexcel and Eduqas/WJEC
RE 101: Religion & Philosophy Resources is shop for teachers of Philosophy & Ethics, Religious Studies & Politics.
It sells Schemes of Work, Knowledge Organisers, PowerPoint Lessons, Personalised Learning Checklists (PLCs), Key Word Glossaries, Electronic Reading Lists and many other revision resources.
Exam Boards covered include: OCR, AQA, Edexcel and Eduqas/WJEC
KS3 Judaism Lessons Complete Bundle
This bundle is a complete set of lessons for KS3 Religious Studies studies on the topic of Judaism.
It contains 6 fully-editable PowerPoint lessons along with 1 End of Topic Assessment and 1 Revision Knowledge Organiser.
The lessons contained are:
When did Judaism begin?
What do Jewish people believe?
What is the Problem of Suffering?
How did Jewish people respond to the Holocaust?
What is it like to be Jewish today?
Cosmological Argument Lesson: Is the World just ‘Brute Fact’?
A fully resourced lesson on Cosmological Arguments suitable for A-Level or GCSE students.
This pack includes a PowerPoint Presentation which has:
Do Now Tasks
Differentiated Learning Outcomes/Objectives
Differentiated Key Questions
Differentiated Tasks
A Note-Making Booklet
A Key Reading
Please note that the key readings providing in this booklet covers critiques of Cosmological Arguments including Thomas Aquinas’ Three Ways & William Lane Craig’s Kalam Argument.
This lesson is part of the Kallipolis Schemes of Work which can be purchased separately from:
Edexcel Religious Studies Key Stage 5 (KS5): Unit 2 - B Religion & Ethics Personalised Learning Checklist (PLC).
Includes potential exam questions
Topics Include:
Environmental Ethics
Normative Ethical Theories (Including Natural Law, Situation Ethics & Utilitarianism)
Kantian Ethics
Virtue Ethics
Medical Ethics (Including Abortion & Euthanasia)
This PLC is suitable for the following exam specifications: AQA Religious Studies (A-Level)
Key Stage 5 (KS5) Philosophy of Religion Knowledge Organiser: Plato’s Theory of the Forms
This is a one-page Knowledge Organiser designed for Sixth Form students taking Religious Studies or Philosophy A-Level. It contains key content, key words and suggested wider readings.
The following content is contained within the Knowledge Organiser:
Plato’s Theory of the Forms;
Plato’s Analogy of the Cave;
The Hierarchy of the Forms and the Form of the Good;
Strenths & Weaknesses of Plato’s Theory of the Forms;
This Knowledge Organiser is suitable for the following exam specifications: OCR Religious Studies (A-Level)
GCSE OCR Religious Studies Knowledge Organisers - Revision Pack
This is a revision pack of 8 sets of 2-page knowledge organisers designed for students studying GCSE Religious Studies (OCR specification).
The pack contains Christians and Muslim view.
The following knowledge organisers are contained:
Christian Beliefs & Teachings
Christian Worship & Practices
Muslim Beliefs & Teachings
Muslim Worship & Practices
Relationships and Family
The Existence of God & Revelations
Religion, Peace & Conflict
Dialogue between Religious & Non-Religious Groups
GCSE OCR Religious Studies Knowledge Organisers - Revision Pack
This is a revision pack of 8 sets of 2-page knowledge organisers designed for students studying GCSE Religious Studies (OCR specification).
The pack contains Christians and Muslim view.
The following knowledge organisers are contained:
Unit 1
Christian Beliefs & Teachings
Christian Worship & Practices
Muslim Beliefs & Teachings
Muslim Worship & Practices
Unit 2
Relationships and Family
Philosophy of Religion (The Existence of God)
Religion, Peace & Conflict
Crime & Punishment
Life & Death
Equality (Human Rights & Social Justice)
OCR Key Stage 5 (KS5) Units 1 & 2: Religious Studies Full Mock Exams
A single full Mock Exam in the style of the OCR Religious Studies A-Level.
Mock Exam covers the following topics:
Unit 1: Philosophy of Religion;
Unit 2: Religion & Ethics;
These assessments are suitable for the following exam specifications: OCR Religious Studies (A-Level).
A generic OCR Mark Scheme is also provided.
OCR Key Stage 5 (KS5) Unit 1: Religion & Ethics End-of-Topic Assessments
A collection of 3 custom end-of-topic assessments in the style of the OCR Religious Studies A-Level.
Each assessment covers two topics as follows:
Assessment 1: Normative Ethical Theories;
Assessment 2: Applied Ethics & Meta-Ethics;
Assessment 3: Conscience & Sexual Ethics;
These assessments are suitable for the following exam specifications: OCR Religious Studies (A-Level).
A generic OCR Mark Scheme is also provided.
OCR Key Stage 5 (KS5) Unit 1: Philosophy of Religion End-of-Topic Assessments
A collection of 3 custom end-of-topic assessments in the style of the OCR Religious Studies A-Level.
Each assessment covers two topics as follows:
Assessment 1: Philosophical Language & Thought and the Existence of God;
Assessment 2: God & the World and the Nature of God;
Assessment 3: Religious Language;
These assessments are suitable for the following exam specifications: OCR Religious Studies (A-Level).
A generic OCR Mark Scheme is also provided.
13 Knowledge Organisers for OCR Religious Studies Key Stage 5 (KS5) Religious Studies: Unit 1 Philosophy of Religion Revision Pack
Topics Include:
Plato’s Theory of the Forms;
Aristotle’s Four Causes of Being;
The Mind/Body Problem;
The Design Argument;
The Cosmological Argument;
The Ontological Argument;
Religious Experience;
The Problem of Evil;
The Nature of God;
Religious Language;
Logical Positivism;
This bundle also includes a OCR PLC with a list of potential exam questions, reading list and glossary of key terminology.
This bundle is suitable for the following exam specifications: OCR Religious Studies (A-Level)
Key Stage 3 Christianity Knowledge Organiser
This is a fully editable Microsoft Word document revising the topic of Christianity. It can be used as a generic resource for revision or with the RE101 KS3 Christianity Scheme of Work and lesson resources.
It is suitable for Year 7, 8 and 9 students.
The Knowledge Organiser contains the following:
A list of Key Terms and Words
A History of the life of Jesus
A description of the Key Miracles of Jesus
A description of the Key Rituals, Practices, Festivals and Worship in Christianity
An explanation of David Hume’s critique of Miracles and Christian responses to it
Key Stage 3 Christianity Lesson: How does the life of Jesus influence Christians today?
This is a fully resourced and editable PowerPoint lesson introducing students to the topic of Christianity, Christian practices and the being Christian in the modern world. It is suitable for Year 7, 8 and 9 students.
The lesson contains the following activities:
A discussion task around Eucharist and Animal Sacrifices
A research task about Christian practices, festivals and rituals
A writing task summarising the learning of the lesson.
A plenary activity analysing how Christian practices relate to the life of Jesus.
Please note that this lesson can be taught in isolation on it’s own or as part of a 6 lesson scheme of work on Christianity.
Cosmological Argument Lesson: What is the Cosmological Argument?
A fully resourced lesson on Cosmological Arguments suitable for A-Level or GCSE students.
This pack includes a PowerPoint Presentation which has:
Do Now Tasks
Differentiated Learning Outcomes/Objectives
Differentiated Key Questions
Differentiated Tasks
A Note-Making Booklet
A Key Reading
Please note that the key readings providing in this booklet cover Historical Versions of Cosmological Arguments, Thomas Aquinas’ Three Ways & William Lane Craig’s Kalam Argument.
This lesson is part of the Kallipolis Schemes of Work which can be purchased separately from:
Edexcel A-Level Religious Studies Course Guide
This Course Guide is an overview of the Philosophy & Ethics Key Stage 5 (KS5) Course and contains the following:
Course Aims & Expectations
Course Content
Examination & Assessment Information
Suggested Textbooks
Suggested Revision Guidance
Useful Websites
Religious Studies Key Stage 5 (KS5): Unit 2 Religion & Ethics Reading List with electronic weblinks
This is a Reading List designed for Sixth Form students taking Religious Studies or Philosophy A-Level.
Topics Include:
Divine Command Theory
Natural Moral Law
Kantian Ethics
Situation Ethics
Virtue Ethics
Applied Ethics (including Animal Rights, Medical Ethics, War & Sexual Ethics)
The Conscience
Free-Will & Moral Responsibility
Meta-Ethics (including Intuitionism & Emotivism)
This Reading List is suitable for the following exam specifications: OCR Religious Studies (A-Level), AQA Religious Studies (A-Level), Edexcel Religious Studies (A-Level) and Eduqas (WJEC) Religious Studies (A-Level).
This reading list is a good companion to a FREE resource also avaliable from Kallipolis of five set copyright-free readings by St. Thomas Aquinas, Aristotle, Plato, Immanuel Kant & Jeremy Bentham.
AQA Unit 1a: Philosophy of Religion Assessment Tracker
This is an Microsoft Excel tracking document for monitoring performance of A-Level students on their homework and assessments.
The tracker can used to monitor performance on homework essays and assessments. It uses conditional formating to highlight when students achieve below their target grade on assessments and mock exams.
It also has a Personalised Learning Checklist (PLC) which automatically RAG-rates which topics students are strongest on based on their homework essays.
Homework essays, assessments and mock exam questions are aligned to the Kallipolis AQA Scheme of Work but can be edited/changed in the Excel Document.
AQA Religious Studies Key Stage 5 (KS5): Unit 1 Philosophy of Religion Scheme of Work (SOW).
This Scheme of Work includes a lesson-by-lesson breakdown with differentiated Learning Outcomes, Lesson Activities, Key Words and Homework Tasks (including exam/essay practice).
The Scheme of Work is designed in accordance with the new Ofsted Framework (2019) and includes statements of intent, implementation and impact.
Topics Include:
Arguments for the existence of God (including the design argument, the ontological argument and the cosmological argument);
Evil & Suffering;
Religious Experiences;
Verifying Religious Experiences;
Religious Language;
Soul, Death & the Afterlife;
This SOW is suitable for the following exam specifications: AQA Religious Studies (A-Level).
Please note that fully resourced PowerPoint lessons for this Scheme of Work can also be purchased from Kallipolis Philosophy Resources on the TES Website.
Eduqas / WJEC GCSE Religious Studies Revision Pack - Blank Mind-Map Handouts
A collection of Eight Blank Revision Maps for students to fill into revision from.
The topics the revision maps cover are:
Unit 1
Christian Beliefs & Teachings
Christian Worship & Practices
Muslim Beliefs & Teachings
Muslim Worship & Practices
Unit 2
Relationships & Families
Life and Death
Good & Evil
Human Rights
FREE Religious Studies GCSE Revision Worksheet - Christian Beliefs & Practices
This is a free blank revision worksheet that students can use to revision for their Religious Studies OCR (suitable for OCR, AQA, Edexcel, Eduqas or WJEC specifications).
It can be used alongside the the revision knowledge organisers that can be found at:
FREE Religious Studies GCSE Revision Worksheet - Dialogue between Religious & Non-Religious Groups
This is a free blank revision worksheet that students can use to revision for their Religious Studies OCR (suitable for OCR, AQA, Edexcel, Eduqas or WJEC specifications).
It can be used alongside the the revision knowledge organisers that can be found at: